
Delightful room well furnished


1 Guest

Delightful room for a guest with a single bed, well furnished, with private external bathroom.

Available amenities

1 Guest
Private external bathroom
Air conditioned
Mini Bar
Satellite TV
Direct Dial Phone
B&B La Fonderia Firenze - room Piombo
B&B La Fonderia Firenze - room Piombo bath
B&B La Fonderia Firenze - room Piombo bath details
Via della Fonderia 65A
50121 Florence, Italy
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Sede legale: Via S. Andrea, 40 - 51100 Pistoia
Partita IVA e C.F.: 00246490478
Iscrizione Camera di Commercio: REA PT-85568
Capitale Sociale (i.v.): 150.000,00 euro